Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Music Industry Veteran Causes Stir Over Grammy Complaints

Two weeks ago marketing executive Steven Stout caused controversy when he complained about unknown artists like Arcade Fire and Esperanza Spalding winning the coveted Grammy award over favorites Eminem and Justin Bieber respectively. In an 850-word open letter in the Sunday New York Times Stout wrote: "I have come to the conclusion that the Grammy Awards have clearly lost touch with contemporary popular culture."

Needless to say that kind ticked winners off. Arcade Fire's manager, Scott Rodger,  responded: "Arcade Fire deserved to win this year. They made the best album. If the award was named 'Album Sales of the Year' award, there would be no discussion."

So let the:  "Should the Grammys go to the most popular artists or the artists with the most credibility?" debate begin. 

In my opinion Stout seems to be the one who is losing touch with culture in general. The winners were voted winners for a reason. Arcade Fire's "The Suburbs" was the best in the category, no question, and last time I checked the Grammys were about quality, not the quantity of money the nominees made.

And as for Justin Bieber not winning, there may be millions of "Beliebers" crying their (thankfully) water-proof mascaraed eyes out, but their shouldn't be. I'm sure the Biebs will be fine and people should be happy for Spalding... even if they have no idea who she is.

So I say: Thank you Grammys. Thank you for not selling out this time. Maybe it's Indie music's time to shine.

Arcade Fire with their "Album of the Year Award" at the Grammys.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, watch the academic language. Keep it school-appropriate. ;)
